
Good afternoon everyone. I’m inspired by so much in life. Today though, I’m going to say some things that have really been on my heart for a while. My inspiration for this came from the most (in some people’s eyes) unexpected place.


I’m on social media a fair amount of time. Sometimes for entertainment. Many times to see where I can possibly network and just observe the behavior of those who use social media. I’ve found that so many people use social media to promote themselves as living a life that they don’t really live, but only wish they did. Some get on simply to troll others and attempt to make them miserable due to their own miserable lives. I’m not saying either is “good” or “bad”. It is what it is.  There are things and situations people have to go through in order to see that what they were doing wasn’t the move. Its how we grow.

People are judgmental. Thats just what is. Should they be? Hell no because no one has room to judge another. Everyone has a struggle whether they’ll admit it or not. Honestly, they don’t have to. Its no ones business. But blatantly lying about your life publicly for attention or for appearance’s sake isn’t the move either. One part of one’s life may look “better” than yours yet the rest of it is shitty but thats the part people hide and don’t want you to see. That’s mainly because that’s the same thing they’re judging you about! LOL( not really laughing out loud but it is funny). See what I just did there? I’m online and I see people say “I’m SCREAMING” or Im “HOLLERING” in an effort to tell you how funny your comment is but most times they’re really sitting with resting bitch face. Its all a show seemingly. The need to be “famous” or recognized on social media via a facade.

Instagram is rampant with people who comment on other’s lives which they know nothing about. Maybe a few minutes you’ve seen them on tv or a picture and form opinions from that small part of their lives which may or may not be a real display.

For those who are putting your real selves out there (as much of it as you know anyway) don’t be discouraged by hateful comments from fake people who don’t know you. Even if they do think they know you don’t be discouraged from being authentic because your being authentic will get you much further in life (where it matters) than their fakeness will get them. Most say hurtful things because they’re in pain themselves and your life, good or bad, reminds them of that. Words can hurt. They often do but don’t let it deter you from living an authentic life. Perfection as defined by society doesn’t exist. We exist to be exactly who we are in each moment. Somehow we’ve deviated from what’s real, hence the world we now live in.

